For quick weight loss you should try this diet and you should to apply just 3 days a week. Avoid the sugar, salt, pasta and other foods that are harmful and full of calories, chips, fried foods, fat meat and fizzy drinks.

·         First Day

BreakfastTwo boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes and a cup of green tea without sugar.

Lunch: Two egg whites, 120 grams of boiled or baked fish and a glass of green tea.

SnackOne apple

Dinner: Vegetable of steam (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, green beans, etc.) with a cup of green tea.

·         Second Day

BreakfastTwo boiled eggs, 1 banana and a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Two egg whites, 120 grams boiled chicken without skin and a glass of green tea.

Dinner: 120 grams of cottage cheese, a slice of rusk and a cup of milk with low fat.

·         Third Day

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a glass of tomato juice

Lunch: Two egg whites, 120 grams of cooked red meat and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Two baked potatoes, green salad and a glass of green tea.

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