This delicious and healthy smoothie will help you lose weight as it has a lot of fibers, iron, and protein which leaves no room for munching junk food.

 It contains spinach which is a source of antioxidants that aids detoxification, as well as pineapple that improves the metabolism and boosts fat loss. Moreover, there are apples and cucumbers included which help the process of losing weight due to the fibers and polyphenol content. The feeling of fullness will be provided by flaxseed which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

 Parsley adds a nice flavor that enables the body to shed any excess water weight, while the smoothie’s base is the low-fat yogurt excellent for digestion.

  • ½ or 1 cup of plain low-fat yogurt;
  • 1 green apple;
  • A handful of spinach;
  • ½ cup of pineapple chunks;
  • ½ cucumber chopped into pieces;
  • Few springs of parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. of grounded flaxseed;
  • Ice cubes.
First put ½ or 1 cup of plain low-fat yogurt into a blender, add the spinach leaves, the pineapple, the green apple, the cucumber, the flaxseed, parsley, and blend all together for 1 minute. After that, add some ice cubes, and blend again. It is ready to drink. Consume it every day, or couple of times a week.
Be cautious: People which are on low-oxalate diet should not consume it.
Other options and tips: You can add ¼ cup of strawberries, and if you do not have flaxseeds, use seeds soaked in water. Moreover, make sure to rinse all the fruits and vegetables before you use them. If you use organic cucumber and apple you may not peel them. Try drinking it immediately after preparation, or up to 24 hours stored in the fridge so that it doesn’t lose its nutritious value.

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