Eat This for Breakfast Every Morning and You Will See How The Fat From Your Body Disappear !

As you all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you want to lose weight. But if you start feeling hungry around 10 or 11 o’clock, you should start thinking about how to better choose the food for the most important meal of the day.
It was confirmed by the latest study, published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism that the best choice is – oatmeal.
The study included 36 men and women who both consumed 350 calories in total, but were divided into three different groups: the first ate oatmeal for breakfast, the other cornflakes, and the third is skipped breakfast and drank only water. Through the next three hours, all participants had to repeatedly record their state of satiety, and gave blood samples in order to monitor their blood sugar and insulin levels. After that they all got the same lunch.

The scientists confirmed their expectations that the group of people who ate oatmeal was the least hungry during the morning and afternoon, and they ate and 31 percent fewer calories at lunch. Furthermore, oatmeal had a favorable effect in overweight people, as they consumed 50 percent fewer calories at lunch. The subjects who ate cornflakes were already hungry, three hours after breakfast. The third group was also hungry after 3 hours.
Why the second group was hungry, even though they ate the same amount of calories is because oatmeal is retained in the stomach longer, while cornflakes cause a large increase in blood glucose, and then force a quick and sudden drop.
This research is just one of many that confirm how much oatmeal is useful if you want to lose weight, because those 31 to 50 percent fewer calories will certainly be felt and noticed over a longer period of time.
Why Oats?
Oats and its derivatives, such as pulp and flakes, are extremely healthy, but also taste very good. If you think that you can only eat oatmeal for breakfast, you are wrong. You can mix it with almost every dish, as a side dish, supplement stew, a salad or in sweet versions. It can be the basis for healthy desserts, such as cookies.
You’ll Feel Full for a Longer Time
The fibers oats contain, act to increase the volume of the consumed amount in our digestive system. In addition, thanks to the fiber, digestion is stimulated. That’s why oats are an ideal food for those who want to lose weight.
Lowers Cholesterol
Rich in healthy fiber, oatmeal has the ability to bind fat for themselves, and thus lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. This way they protect the health of the heart and blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Of all the foods that can stabilize your blood pressure, oats are one of the most powerful. The active ingredient is oatmeal lignan, a vegetable fiber. Studies have shown that regular intake of lignan can lower blood pressure by up to 30 percent.
Reduces the Risk of Cancer
According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, oats not only reduce the risk of colon cancer, but also reduce the risk of breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.

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