The best way to lose weight is to speed up your metabolism. There are all kinds of natural ingredients which speed up metabolism and you don’t have to eat less, you only have to change the spices.
Starvation has never been a good solution for weight loss. You can lose weight if you mix some ingredients which can speed up your metabolism naturally.

88 over-weight women were randomly assigned into two groups by researchers from Iran’s University of Medical Science.
During a period of 3 months, both groups received nutrition counseling and they decreased their daily intake of calories by 500. The first group was eating cumin powder with 140ml. of yogurt. The second group was eating only yogurt without the cumin powder.

3 months later, those women who ate cumin powder have lost about 14 pounds or 3 more pounds than those in the non-cumin group. More impressively, the cumin group members decreased body fat percentage by 14.64%—almost triple the 4.91% loss posted by the non-cumin group.
The reason why those women were losing weight was because of cumin’s phytosterols, chemicals which are known for its ability to inhibit the absorption of harmful cholesterol in the body. Scientists believe that that is the reason why cumin speeds up metabolism.
If you want to try this spice you don’t have to mix it only with yogurt, you can simply add it to any meal. Spices can easily be mixed and they also improve the taste of food.

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