Health Benefits of Argan Oil

Argan oil contains a unique combination of sterols, present in no other vegetable oil. These compounds help reduce inflammations as well as the risk of getting cancer.
This oil can improve digestion and reduce stomach inflammations.
In addition, argan oil can help you treat arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
Furthermore, it can help you boost immunity, improve blood flow and decrease LDL cholesterol levels.

Argan oil is one of the best skin care oils there are and therefore it is used for various skin diseases like: acne, eczema, chicken pox and psoriasis.

Argan oil is also reputed to have aphrodisiac and tonic properties.
Here’s How to Prepare an Amazing Oil Serum!

We are going to reveal to you the best natural anti-wrinkle recipe that includes coverings with argan oil (or olive oil) and vitamin E. It is best to use argan oil, but since olive oil is much more available and cheaper you can use it instead of argan.
Ingredients needed:

·         50 ml of pure extra-virgin olive oil (or argan oil)
·         5 vitamin E capsules
·         2 cotton swabs

Preparation and Use:

Combine 5 capsules of Vitamin E and 50 ml of pure olive oil (or argan oil) and stir well. Next, soak the cotton swabs in the mixture, place them onto your eye area, lie down and relax.
Leave them on for about 10 minutes. Afterward, remove them and gently massage the area with your fingertips.
You shouldn’t rinse the oil off, but simply wipe the remains of it with a tissue paper.
Repeat this treatment every night for best results. Use a small amount of the oil mixture.
Regular application of this oil serum will bring you visible results in no time. Your skin’s elasticity will improve, your skin will be deeply hydrated, soft, radiant and fresh, and your wrinkles will be visibly reduced.
Wait no more – try this amazing and highly effective oil serum and see the results for yourself!
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