The extra stubborn fat around the stomach is almost usually a result of the lazy bowel syndrome. Fatty deposits build up in the stomach and slow down the detoxification of the body. But can you believe that 5-10 pounds can be lost in just two weeks? This can be done, but healthy weight loss needs to be accomplished slower. If you start this, later you should do exercises and have a better nutrition.

The following recipe can help you to eliminate excess water from the body and can reduce an inch of excess belly fat a day if you combined with cardio exercises. Moreover, this incredible drink makes you healthier and has extremely beneficial use for your brain function, memory, hearing and eyesight. It is especially effective when combined with cardio exercises and regular training. 

– 400 grams of celery
– 1 kg of lemons
– 2 liters of water 

How to prepare
Slice the celery and put it in a pot and then pour the water over it. Next, add the zest of one lemon. Heat the mixture and let it simmer for about 20 minutes on a low heat. Finally, let the liquid cool down for 5-6 hours.

After you extract the juice from the lemons, add it to the celery water that you’ve prepared previously. Strain the mixture and put it in a glass bottle that should be kept in the fridge. Before each meal, drink one glass of the mixture.
Try to warm the drink before consuming it. 

Why these ingredients are beneficial? 
The body burns more calories when digesting celery than the calories that are gained from it. Also, the function of the digestive tract is improved and weight loss is supported from the dietary fiber which is present in celery. 

Lemons are acidic to the taste, but are alkaline forming in the body. In fact, they are one of the most alkaline forming foods that make them great for balancing a highly acidic condition in the body. Lemons are a favorite all over the world and an essential food in kitchens around the world. The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons liquefies the bile. Pectin, antioxidants, and vitamin C are richly present in lemons. These properties detoxify the body and help the body get rid of toxins.

 Also, there are researches that have proved that people who consume lots of natural vitamin C are able to burn more fat while exercising in contrast with the people who do not.

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